NRA Basic Instructor Training

With NRA Basic Instructor Training, you’ll be qualified to conduct NRA Basic Firearms courses and deliver the education necessary for your future students to achieve NRA certification.

NRA Basic Instructor Training will teach you the policies and procedures of conducting NRA firearms classes. You’ll learn how to effectively run your class, share your knowledge, evaluate your students and finally deliver the coveted certificate proving they’ve gained a new understanding of the use of firearms.

All NRA Basic Instructor Training courses will include the necessary course materials and guides as well as follow-up support. And, once you’ve completed NRA Basic Instructor Training, you’ll be ready to be certified in your course of choice:

  • Basic Pistol Instructor Training
  • Basic Rifle Instructor Training
  • Basic Shotgun Instructor Training

Find a nearby NRA Basic Instructor Training course and start your journey to becoming a certified NRA instructor.



Most classes use a Pistol unless otherwise specified.

Specialties / Other

Advanced Courses
Non-Live Fire

Sport Shooting

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