Basic Handgun & Defensive Shooting Fundamentals
Basic - NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course, USCCA Basic Handgun & Defensive Shooting FundamentalsNRA Pistol Marksmanship Simulator Training & Live Fire Handgun Training
Duration: 7 Hours Classroom, 1.5 Hours Range
Date | Availability | ||||
Register Now | April 5 Saturday |
La Habra, CA
3 - 12 Students | 9:00 AM to 6 PM | Ken Clements |
Register Now | May 3 Saturday |
La Habra, CA
3 - 12 Students | 9:00 AM to 6 PM | Ken Clements |
Register Now | June 7 Saturday |
La Habra, CA
3 - 12 Students | 9:00 AM to 6 PM | Ken Clements |
Register Now | July 12 Saturday |
La Habra, CA
3 - 8 Students | 9:00 AM to 6 PM | Ken Clements |
Register Now | August 2 Saturday |
La Habra, CA
3 - 12 Students | 9:00 AM to 6 PM | Ken Clements |
Register Now | September 6 Saturday |
La Habra, CA
3 - 12 Students | 9:00 AM to 6 PM | Ken Clements |
Register Now | November 1 Saturday |
La Habra, CA
3 - 12 Students | 9:00 AM to 6 PM | Ken Clements |
Register Now | December 6 Saturday |
La Habra, CA
3 - 8 Students | 9:00 AM to 6 PM | Ken Clements |
Welcome to 5150 HEAT LLC – Firearms Training Academy.
My name is Ken "KC" Clements, I am the Chief Firearms Instructor for 5150 HEAT, LLC - Firearms Training Academy.
First, thank you for contacting 5150 HEAT, LLC - Firearms Training Academy.
Self-defense is not only our right; it is our duty; given that it is one of God’s oldest laws. -KC
Second, we have a few popular Firearms Self-Defense course offerings. I will describe the class most students choose to start with and then follow up with a few brochures describing some of the other courses, (including Concealed Carry, CCW). You can contact me directly with any questions or concerns you might have.
Third, our workshops are small, hands-on, interactive, and create a personal learning experience. Questions and participation are always welcomed and encouraged throughout our classes. Each topic is designed to build confidence and created for you to become well-versed in proper gun etiquette, language and safety. All while gaining useful defensive shooting skills, learning effective handgun knowledge, and essential firearms fundamentals, developing solid defensive tactics, establishing strong marksmanship skills, and determining which handgun is right for you. As well as teaching you how to defend yourself and your family on that dark night when the wolves are at your door.
5150 HEAT offers more advanced training courses to help with your HOME DEFENSE concerns, designed to make your home a HARD TARGET. So, the “bad guys” will take a pass on your home and take their trouble somewhere else. Beyond that, we have more advanced courses like DEFENSIVE SHOOTING and if you decide to obtain your CCW, (Concealed Carry License) for protection outside the home, we can help with that too.
The Basic Firearms & Self-Defense Fundamentals Course - comes with two textbooks. Plus, Student Handouts:
· USCCA, Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals, by Mike Martin
· Or you may choose the NRA Guide, Basics of Pistol Shooting by NRA/Smith & Wesson Inc.
· Range Journal a Handgun Shooter's Logbook, by Ken Clements
All textbooks offered are outstanding learning aids and two of them are used in the other courses I teach such as Home Defense Fundamentals and CCW, (Concealed Carry License).
When training sessions are presented by 5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy our past students tell us that the "four classes rolled into one training course" format is far superior to most basic and many intermediate firearms training classes offered in California.
It's also a very good idea to learn the basic firearms & self-defense fundamentals with a spouse, son, daughter and/or family & friends. The TEAM EFFECT!
5150 HEAT:
Train with the same tools, drills and methods that SEAL Teams, Special Forces, Marine Recon, Elite Security Contractors, Leading Law Enforcement & SWAT Teams! -KC
COURSES I & II (Top Quality Instruction from NRA, USCCA & Police Firearms Instructor KC Clements):
The USCCA Basic Firearms Fundamentals Course consists of FOUR separate comprehensive courses of instruction, (Four Firearms Training Classes Rolled into ONE!):
· The universal safety rules.
· Clearing handguns.
· Understanding a handgun’s action.
· Understanding revolvers.
· Understanding semi-automatics.
· Which handgun is right for you?
· Handgun ammunition.
· Malfunctions.
· Intro to home defense shotguns & the AR-15 platform.
· Other use of force options.
· Defensive shooting versus marksmanship.
· Muscle memory explained.
· Proper grip.
· A natural and neutral shooting platform.
· Aligning the muzzle to the target.
· Point / instinctive shooting.
· Flash sight picture.
· Precise sight alignment.
· Trigger control.
· Holsters.
· Tactical flashlights.
· Laser sights.
· Gun safes & storage.
· Creating a training program.
· Dry firing.
· Fundamental drills.
· Speed and accuracy drills.
· Drawing from the holster.
· Flashlight holds.
· Virtual training.
· What’s Next?
5150 HEAT
Train with the same tools, drills and methods that SEAL Teams, Special Forces, Marine Recon, Elite Security Contractors, Leading Law Enforcement & SWAT Teams! -KC
Forty years of training police officers have taught me many valuable firearms tactics, street survival, and high-stress combat performance lessons.
The class sometimes goes a little longer because of student questions and training with the 'SIRT' Laser Pistol training system, which by the way I am confident is the best method for teaching new shooters how to operate today's modern handguns and maintaining the marksmanship skills of old salty shooters. Along with the Laser Pistols we use electronic & computerized targets intended to provide students with the best shooting experience, educational feedback, and shot analysis. The Laser Pistols we use are not cheap videogame toys. They are expensive replicas of real handguns and have functional features like the Glock 17, 19, 22 & 34. We also utilize a variety of popular, concealable sub-compact semi-auto & revolver pistols, such as the Glock 42/43, Ruger LC9, Ruger LCP, S&W Shield, S&W J-Frame 38, and Taurus PT111. To fill in performance or training gaps, we have several 'BLOWBACK' laser handguns, which are used to demonstrate the recoil of actual live fire firearms. This is leading-edge high-tech training.
Results: You’ll leave the class introduced to several gun safety, marksmanship skills, and know when applied; they're effective protection and they really work!
Extend your Firearms Training experience with live fire training at the Orange County Indoor Shooting Range in Brea. With more than 80 rental guns to choose from, novice students will have no problem discovering which handgun is the perfect caliber, size, right or left hand, and fit for their use and eventual purchase.
The Live Fire Gun Range is a third party and therefore a separate cost to students. Each student is required to pay their own range fee: $20; handgun rental: $10; targets: $2 to $3 each; and ammo Costs Vary. Prices are approximate and subject to change. The Live Fire Range provides sanitized safety equipment (ear/eye protection) at a nominal cost.
Live Fire Gun Range appointments are scheduled on a separate date, typically, weekday or Sunday mornings. For a large group of friends or family (5 to 6 students) the Live Fire Gun Range may open an hour early or stay open an hour late to accommodate 5150 HEAT students. You will be encouraged to make appointments via email, call or text my mobile. Office: (714) 680-5500; Email: and Mobile: (714) 981-6900.
Each student that completes training courses receives three* course completion certificates and one "shot to pieces" live-fire target!
- The 1st certificate for the USCCA Firearms Fundamentals Course.
- The 2nd certificate for the NRA Basic Pistol Training Course. Awarded after the course date.
- The 3rd certificate for the NRA Pistol Marksmanship Simulator Training Course.
- The 4th "shot to pieces" live-fire target to "certify" to the world of the shooter's own marks'man'ship or marks'woman'ship skills!
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Details: On Saturday morning the class typically runs from 9 am to 4 pm. We may go a little longer because of the SIRT Laser Pistol training, Q & A, current events, legal updates, and discussions on topics that interest students.
5150 HEAT does offer private, coed & ladies-only training classes on weekdays, weeknights, and classes on weekends as needed.
5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy conducts training at the KCCi Building located toward the rear of the Brea Business Center complex. Look for the sign above our front door with "KCCi" printed on it.
KCCi Building: 2715 Saturn Street, Brea, CA 92821. The complex is near the intersection of Kramer Blvd. & Imperial Hwy., (Southeast of the Walmart Shopping Center) in the City of Brea.
Experienced. Skilled. Professional.
Instructor Bio & Goals: I am a Retired L.E.O., (Law Enforcement Officer) with more than 30-years of honorable service to the Buena Park Police Department, Brea Police Department as well as the City of Yorba Linda and citizens throughout California. My experience extends to virtually every aspect of the law enforcement profession.
In addition to police patrol duties, I served as a Police Department Firearms & Tactical Instructor and Range Master tasked with training and qualifying thousands of police officers annually. In addition, I held the position of Police Academy, Senior Tactical Officer, and Instructor involved in the training of numerous police officer recruits, (men & women). Since retirement, I have continued my involvement in teaching hundreds of men and women interested in securing their own personal safety as well as safeguarding their family, friends, and home protection. -------------------------------------------------------------
Self-Defense tactics presented from personal experiences in the Use of Deadly Force and developed from an extensive and varied background in teaching the art & science of firearm tactics; gun safety, situational awareness, defensive shooting, self-defense, CQC (close-quarters combat) tactical concepts, shoot don't shoot, the color code of awareness, actual hands-on “street survival” with real urban combat with strategic & defensive skills. I take personal satisfaction in sharing my tactical know-how and experience with good people in need of helpful training in firearms safety, defensive shooting, marksmanship skills and self-defense.
Certifications, (Partial List): Certified Orange County Sheriff’s Department CCW Training Provider • NRA Certified Police Firearms Instructor • NRA Certified Pistol Instructor • NRA Certified Pistol Marksmanship Simulator (Laser Pistol) Instructor • UCLA Post-Secondary, Credential • U.S. Coast Guard Instructor • Sacramento County Sheri ff’s Department Certified Firearms Instructor & Range Master • North Orange County Police Academy Senior Tactical Officer, Instructor and Academy Public Affairs Officer. Plus, USCCA (United States Concealed Carry Association) Certified Instructor: Basic Firearms Fundamentals & Self-Defense Instructor, Women’s Defensive Handgun, and Self-Defense Fundamentals Instructor, Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals Instructor, Countering the Mass Shooter Threat Instructor, and CCW (Conceal Carry Weapon) Instructor.
Let's talk! Questions or concerns please call text or email me anytime.
Office: 714-680-5500
Mobile: 714-981-6900
Thanks, now let the SELF-DEFENSE begin!
Topics Covered
5150 HEAT:
Train with the same tools, drills and methods that SEAL Teams, Special Forces, Marine Recon, Elite Security Contractors, Leading Law Enforcement & SWAT Teams! -KC
COURSES I & II (Top Quality Instruction from NRA & USCCA):
The USCCA Basic Firearms Fundamentals Course consists of FOUR separate comprehensive courses of instruction, (Four Firearms Training Classes Rolled into ONE!):
· The universal safety rules.
· Clearing handguns.
· Understanding a handgun’s action.
· Understanding revolvers.
· Understanding semi-automatics.
· Which handgun is right for you?
· Handgun ammunition.
· Malfunctions.
· Intro to home defense shotguns & the AR-15 platform.
· Other use of force options.
· Defensive shooting versus marksmanship.
· Muscle memory explained.
· Proper grip.
· A natural and neutral shooting platform.
· Aligning the muzzle to the target.
· Point / instinctive shooting.
· Flash sight picture.
· Precise sight alignment.
· Trigger control.
· Holsters.
· Tactical flashlights.
· Laser sights.
· Gun safes & storage.
· Creating a training program.
· Dry firing.
· Fundamental drills.
· Speed and accuracy drills.
· Drawing from the holster.
· Flashlight holds.
· Virtual training.
· What’s Next?
Train Like SEALs, Special Forces, Marine Recon, Elite Law Enforcement & SWAT Teams!
Forty years of training police officers have taught me many valuable firearms tactics, street survival, and high-stress combat performance lessons.
The class sometimes goes a little longer because of student questions and training with the 'SIRT' Laser Pistol training system, which by the way I am confident is the best method for teaching new shooters how to operate today's modern handguns and maintaining the marksmanship skills of old salty shooters. Along with the Laser Pistols we use electronic & computerized targets intended to provide students with the best shooting experience, educational feedback, and shot analysis. The Laser Pistols we use are not cheap videogame toys. They are expensive replicas of real handguns and have functional features like the Glock 17, 19, 22 & 34. We also utilize a variety of popular, concealable sub-compact semi-auto & revolver pistols, such as the Glock 42/43, Ruger LC9, Ruger LCP, S&W Shield, S&W J-Frame 38, and Taurus PT111. To fill in performance or training gaps, we have several 'BLOWBACK' laser handguns, which are used to demonstrate the recoil of actual live fire firearms. This is leading-edge high-tech training.
Results: You’ll leave the class introduced to several gun safety, marksmanship skills, and know when applied; they're effective protection and they really work!
Extend your Firearms Training experience with live fire training at the Orange County Indoor Shooting Range in Brea. With more than 80 rental guns to choose from, novice students will have no problem discovering which handgun is the perfect caliber, size, right or left hand, and fit for their use and eventual purchase.
The Live Fire Gun Range is a third party and therefore a separate cost to students. Each student is required to pay their own range fee: $20; handgun rental: $10; targets: $2 to 3 each; and ammo Costs Vary. Prices are approximate and subject to change. The Live Fire Range provides sanitized safety equipment (ear/eye protection).
Live Fire Gun Range appointments are scheduled on a separate date, typically, weekday or Sunday mornings. For a large group (5 to 6 students) the Live Fire Gun Range may open an hour early to accommodate 5150 HEAT students. You will be encouraged to make appointments via email, call or text my mobile. Office: (714) 680-5500; Email: and Mobile: (714) 981-6900.
5150 HEAT:
Train with the same tools, drills and methods that SEAL Teams, Special Forces, Marine Recon, Elite Security Contractors, Leading Law Enforcement & SWAT Teams! -KC
Each student that completes training courses receives three* course completion certificates and one "shot to pieces" live-fire target!
- The 1st certificate for the USCCA Firearms Fundamentals Course.
- The 2nd certificate for the NRA Basic Pistol Training Course. Awarded after the course date.
- The 3rd certificate for the NRA Pistol Marksmanship Simulator Training Course.
- The 4th "shot to pieces" live-fire target to "certify" to the world of the shooter's own marks'man'ship or marks'woman'ship skills!
Details: On Saturday morning the class typically runs from 9 am to 4 pm. We may go a little longer because of the SIRT Laser Pistol training, Q & A, current events, legal updates, and discussions on topics that interest students.
5150 HEAT does offer private, coed & ladies-only training classes on weekdays, weeknights, and classes on weekends as needed.
5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy conducts training at the KCCi Building located toward the rear of the Brea Business Center complex. Look for the sign above our front door with "KCCi" printed on it.
KCCi Building: 2715 Saturn Street, Brea, CA 92821. The complex is near the intersection of Kramer Blvd. & Imperial Hwy., (Southeast of the Walmart Shopping Center) in the City of Brea.
Registration: Very Simple, Very Friendly & Very Low Tech.
The low-tech registration works like this: contact Annie Guzman or Ken Clements at 5150 HEAT Firearms Training Academy: (714) 680-5500 or email: or
Tuition: The cost for the above-described Basic Handgun Fundamentals Courses is $150, per student. I am certain you'll benefit from the high-level course of instruction, the S.I.R.T. Laser Training Pistols, as well as owning both outstanding course textbooks, the Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals, and the Handgun Training Journal, plus the live-fire shooting range experience.
Reserve your place in class with a $50 deposit on your credit card: Visa or Mastercard. Tuition balance to be paid on the day of class. Any usual form of payment is Okay... But I'd prefer cash if possible...!
Lunch: On Saturdays, we have a casual, "learning lunch," where class instruction continues during the lunch period. A learning lunch saves valuable instruction time rather than everyone going out for lunch. We can pass the hat for $10 donations and get Domino's pizza or Subway sandwiches delivered. I'll provide soft drinks, coffee & donuts in the AM & PM.
Reserved Parking: We have 7 "Reserved Parking" spaces for students. 4 spaces in front, 2 spaces on the Eastside, and 1 space in the rear. Typically, on weekends and weeknights, the parking lot is empty with many parking spaces available.
Expectations and Outcomes
Our Basic Pistol course is designed for new shooters, first-time gun owners, individuals looking to purchase their first firearm, and even rusty old shooters that just need to knock the rust off their shooting skills. Our goal is to teach the Universal Firearm Safety Rules, basic knowledge, and skills necessary for using a handgun SAFELY, while students learn the functionality of their handgun.
Basic Pistol course also covers how to use both semi-automatic handguns and revolvers. Students will begin learning to shoot with the same state-of-the-art LASER PISTOLS & ELECTRONIC TARGETS. Eventually, students will have the opportunity to go to the range and shoot different handguns and targets plus learn self-defense shooting skills and accuracy drills. This course is approximately eight hours long, giving students time to learn and become familiar with different aspects of safe gun handling and marksmanship or marks 'WOMAN' ship and defensive shooting skills!
Advanced, Basic, Intermediate, Active Shooter Response Training, Combatives / Less Lethal, Concealed Carry Training, In Home Defense Training, LEO / MIL / SEC Courses, NRA Courses, Rifle, Scenario Based Training, Scenario Based Training (Simunitions, Man Marking Cartridge), Seminars / Lectures, Shotgun, Specialty Other, Tactical Casualty Care (TCCC / TECC), USCCA Courses, Women's Only Courses
Documentation Requirements
• Assumption of the Risk and Waiver of Liability Relating to Coronavirus-COVID-19 Form
• OC Indoor Range Release Form• OC Indoor Range Handgun Rental Form
• USCCA Student Registration Form
The instructor requires a copy of your Government Issued ID once you register.