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2-Day NRA Chief Range Safety Officer Class

Basic - Become an NRA Chief Range Safety Officer and teach NRA Basic Range Safety Officer classes

Duration: 17 hours total over Saturday & Sunday.



Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability
Register Now June 7 Saturday
2 Day Class
Phoenix, AZ
1 - 15 Students 8:00 AM/7:00 PM Tom Tunget Space Available
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2-Day NRA RSO & CRSO Class Jun 7th & 8th, 2025

Time: 17 hours - Classroom

  1. Day 1 Saturday  NRA Basic Range Safety Officer  (RSO) Class
  2. Day 2 Sunday  NRA Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO) Class

  • Must have completed NRA Basic Instructor Training Course (BIT) within TWO years
  • $25.00 Cancellation Fee
The NRA CRSO Course is authorized to run the Range Safety Officer training classes.
Candidates must be current NRA Certified Instructor or have completed the NRA’s Basic Instructor Training (BIT) before taking this course.

The CRSO will have not only extensive knowledge of the RSO program, but be familiar with range design and use. The CRSO is responsible for developing the Standard Operating Procedures for a working range. The CRSO will be able to determine the best use of a property for shooting. They will learn outdoor shooting requirements, including grading and berm development. Also an understanding of bullet proofing, bullet trap technology, lighting and air flow for indoor ranges.

Once the CRSO course is successfully completed the RSO will be upgraded to a NRA Chief Range Safety Officer.

RSO & CRSO Candidates will receive:
NRA Range Safety Officer handbook
NRA Basic Range Safety Officer Lesson Plan
NRA Gun Safety Rules Card
Class completion certificate

Date & Time
Sat & Sun, Jun 7th & 8th, 2025
8:00 AM - 6:30 PM MST

Ben Avery Shooting Facility
4044 W Black Canyon Blvd
Phoenix, AZ 85086

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Expectations and Outcomes

Candidates will receive: 

  • NRA Basic Range Safety Officer hanbook
  • NRA Gun Safety Rules Card
  • NRA Basic Range Safety Officer Lesson Plan. (This is what a CRSO uses to teach NRA RSO classes.
  • Course Completion Certificate
Upon successful completion of the NRA RSO class and the NRA CRSO class, you will need to pay the NRA credentialing fee on the NRA website.
After paying for the credentialing Fee you will become an NRA Chief Range Safety Officer.
Candidates who pass the NRA RSO class but not the CRSO class will become NRA Range safety Officers after paying the NRA credentialing fee.

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Basic, Instructor Training Courses, NRA Courses, Shooting Sports Other, Specialty Other

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Documentation Requirements

Must have completed NRA Basic Instructor Training within the last two years.
Submit your NRA number so I can verify that you have completed BIT within the last two years.