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NRA Personal Protection Outside Home, Instructor


Duration: 16 hour course, primarily range



Kara Romine

Instructor Bio

Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability
Register Now June 7 Saturday
2 Day Class
Ochelata, OK
4 - 10 Students 10:00AM Kara Romine Space Available
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This is a 16-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills and attitude essential to organizing, promoting and teaching the NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home Course.

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Topics Covered

Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course and complete an instructor certification examination. Students will receive the NRA Trainer’s Guide, NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside the Home Instructor Candidate Packet, and NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home course student packet.

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Intermediate, In Home Defense Training, Instructor Training Courses, NRA Courses, Scenario Based Training

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Documentation Requirements

Prerequisites: Instructor candidates must be both an NRA Certified Pistol and Personal Protection In The Home Instructor. Candidates must have attended an NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home course and passed the student exam with a score of 90% or better.

Also, your BIT (Basic Instructor Training) Course must be up to date or taken within the last two years.

You must also register via the NRA website for this specified course  (search for zip code 74003) http://www.nrainstructors.org/Search.aspx 

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  1. Outside the waistband holster (You must be able to draw with one hand Kydex, type retention only (no straps/snaps etc. leather etc.) NO SERPA! 
  2. Two outside the waistband mag Pouches without retention
  3. Semi-Auto Firearm (Full size)
  4. Quality Belt (doesn’t have to be a gun belt - mine is a leather one I got from Stage years ago).  
  5. Ammo: 200-300  rounds
  6. Closed toed shoes..boots or shoes that you don’t care if they get muddy are recommended 
  7. Eye and Ear Protection
  8. Speed loader
  9. Proper Attire (rain gear, able to move freely, etc) 
  10. Lawn chair & Sunscreen are optional
  11. House plans/blueprints, sketch of your home layout 
  12. Lunch/Dinner (or $ to go to the diner) 
  13. Snacks & drinks
  14. Highlighter
  15. Notebook
  16. pen and pencil
  17. Jacket (sometimes it gets chilly in the classroom)
  18. 3-ring, 3” binder
  19. Cover garment
  20. $35 range fee

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