Shotgun Training

To use a shotgun effectively, whether in hunting or self-defense, requires proper shotgun training. Shotgun classes teach novice shooters the fundamentals of gun safety and technique, and even more-experienced shooters can benefit from shotgun training. For instance, tactical shotgun training and home defense shotgun training can teach more advanced methods for the efficient use and handling of this weapon.

Some topics you’ll explore with shotgun training courses may include:

  • Shotgun basics
  • Gun safety
  • Defensive mindsets
  • Shotgun handling characteristics
  • Shot patterns
  • Reloading techniques
  • Tactical shotgun skills
  • Home defense techniques using a shotgun

Contrary to popular myth, accuracy matters when using a shotgun. Improve your skills and build your confidence with shotgun training — use our search form to find a class near you.





Most classes use a Pistol unless otherwise specified.

Specialties / Other

Advanced Courses
Non-Live Fire

Sport Shooting

22 classes found:

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