Victory Arms LLC
Jordan Billings
BACKGROUND: Civilian, Instructor
10 Years Instructing
PH: 320 227 6748
Available Courses
Next Class | Course | Type | Difficulty |
Next class: Apr 26 See Classes |
Instructor Education & Development Providing participants with the knowledg… |
Intermediate, Concealed Carry Training, Instructor Training Courses, Seminars / Lectures, Legal Aspects for Use of Force / Avoidance | Intermediate |
Next class: Mar 15 See Classes |
Victory Arms Permit to Carry Course (St. Cloud) Beginner-oriented firearm class pertaini… |
Basic, Concealed Carry Training | Basic |
About Victory Arms LLC
My name is Jordan and I am the Owner of Victory Arms, LLC.
I have a civilian-based background in regards to firearm education; in some ways that is better than say an LEO/Military background regarding things such as the legal aspects of use-of-force and how to train individuals in a more or less non-corporatized setting; taking a page from a one Dustin Salomon - "We use a tool that doesn't work, to prepare the wrong machine, to achieve a standard that doesn't mean anything."
I take years of moonlighting under 3rd-party contractors, Big Box Stores, Local Ranges, and learning from other Instructors and Educators in the industry to make sense of what citizens are being taught as well as making it easily digestible. Getting out there teaching gun classes under other establishments right out the gate taught me I was woefully ill-equipped to actually have folks trust their lives to information simply spoon fed to me by a corporate powerpoint.
Those years culminated in the execution of Victory Arms, LLC. I focus on the information to best make you and yours as safe as possible in a world where there are too many variables to count. I don't do much, if any, of the "flat-range flourish" stuff folks like to see when courting a class above a Permit to Carry. Everything is sensible, reasonable, and straightforward to make sure any average Joe can understand the situation they are in, and act accordingly.
I give you the information you might not want to hear, but what you NEED to understand so you can navigate a self-defense situation.
Courses Taught
Concealed Carry Training, Basic, NRA Courses, USCCA Courses, Active Shooter Response Training, In Home Defense Training, Church / Business - Safety / Security, Women's Only Courses, Private Classes (Group / Individual), Concealed Carry License, Online Courses, Legal Aspects for Use of Force / Avoidance
- Certified Pistol Instructor
- Certified Refuse to be a Victim Instructor
- Certified Personal Protection in the Home Instructor
- Certified Range Safety Officer
- Certified Concealed Carry / Home Defense Fundamentals
- Certified Emergency First Aid
- Mass Shooter Critical Response
- Level1 CORE Certified
- Defense of Property Certified
- Minnesota Supplement Certified
Bryghtpath Workshops:
- Managing Threats
- Active Shooter
- Business Continuity
- Crisis Communication
- Crisis Management
- Workplace Violence & Threat Management
- IS-00907 Active Shooter: What You Can Do
- Bomb Threat Preparedness and Response
- IED Awareness and Safety Procedures
Misc. Certification:
- Personal Defense Network Counter-Ambush Concepts Certified
- Johns Hopkins University “Reducing Gun Violence in America” Course
- Mid-Minnesota Self-Defense, Inc. Instructor Gun Law Education Course
- WTTA Firearms Cultural Competence Course Lvl 1
- University of Maryland “Countering Violent Extremism” Course
- JS-US007 Level I Antiterrorism Awareness Training
- 20+ Hours of Continuing Professional Education with ASIS International
Cancellation Policy
I get it - life happens and sometimes circumstances outside your control dictate what you do and don't get to do.
That being said; myself, as most other folks, would like at least a little heads up of change of plans. I would prefer at least 48-72hrs notice if you need to cancel.
If for some reason a timely contact can't be made I will work with you to try and find a solution that is easy and benefits both parties.
Reschedule Policy
As per the Cancellation Policy; I would prefer 48-72hrs notice if you need to reschedule but I won't cross examine you as to why you couldn't make it. Your life is your business - you are an adult and I am not your parent. Things happen that you can't simply toss into a neat order, so the best I can do is work with you to find the quickest and easiest solution that works best.
Refund Policy
If for whatever reason we can't find a good solution that benefits both parties, I will issue a refund for your class minus whatever duties and fees that the payment processing company and involved parties require to issue the refund.
As much as I would like to simply give you the full refund value the unfortunate reality of doing business online involves card processing companies, 3rd parties, etc. and it's a bigger pain than a simple exchange of goods/services for money.
Other Policy
- Know your target and what's beyond it: Understand that range training does not provide you with the skills necessary for the real-world realities of knowing your target and what's beyond it. At the range you may subconsciously identify the bulletproof backstop, and once youhave mentally checked that box you may not think about it again. The big takeaway here is knowing that your range training is not preparing you for the realities of this safety rule in the real world.
- Treat every weapon as if it's loaded at all times: This is the most violated firearms safety rule of them all. The fact of the matter is that we as humans treat weapons as if they are loaded only when we are convinced they are, but once we are convinced they are not loaded, we treat them as if they are made of plastic or wood. This occurs subconsciously even by experienced shooters. The issue here is that most likely some day when you think the weapon is empty it won't be, and when you pull the trigger you will get a loud noise. It's happened to me on the range and could happen anywhere. The more you handle weapons the greater the chance of this occurring. The key thing to dial in here is that if you always treat the weapon as if it is loaded then when that day arrives no one will be bleeding, and no one will need to call 911. This is critical and cannot be overemphasized.
- Maintain muzzle awareness at all times: This safety rule goes hand-in-hand with Rule Number Two, but you should also realize that formal range training does not prepare you for the real-world realities of muzzle awareness. In a formal class, the instructor gets all the shooters in line to keep everyone safe with no one down range. This does not reflect reality. There is no firing line in the real world, and there is always someone down range. In addition, if you aren't acutely aware of where your weapon is pointing at all times in the real world you can set yourself up for a brandishing or a similar charge that can be a felony in some states. Range training does not prepare you for any of this, so the burden is on you to be a switched-on shooter.
- Finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot: You must train yourself to place your trigger finger well away from the trigger guard so this placement becomes second nature. If you find yourself clearing your house in the middle of the night the last thing you want to be worried about is if your trigger finger is in a safe and proper location. Negligent discharges can occur under stress if it is not. This rule is often called the Golden Rule of Firearms Safety as it can prevent catastrophe if rigidly adhered to, even in conditions where Rules Numbers 2 or 3 are violated.
FTA Protect Assistant Instructor / RSO Liability Waiver
Victory Arms, LLC Permit to Carry Course
5 stars
From: Rob
Permit to Carry
5 stars
From: B.B.