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T.A.C. Intro to AR-15 Carbine course


Duration: 4 hours Classroom 2 hours range time



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This 3-4 hour course introduces new shooters to safe use, storage, and the operation of a carbine (AR-15, M-4, or AK system) allowing them to practice confidently on their own at the range and attend future training. Training consists of lecture, demonstration, dry-fire practice, and a brief live-fire familiarization session that includes obtaining a 25-yard rough zero.

It is highly recommended that carbine users consider a “dot” optical sight on their carbine and if possible, zero it before class. Make sure to bring the user manual for your scope or optics and carbine. Use of scopes for long range shooting is not covered in the class.

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Topics Covered

Safety Training
Operation of a carbine 
Fundamentals of Marksmanship
25-yard rough zero

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Expectations and Outcomes

Practice confidently on their own at the range and attend future training.

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Basic, Rifle

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  • Each person must have their own carbine (AR-15, M-4, or AK) for the course
  • Gun in a case or box
  • Iron sights, Red Dot, or Scope Sighting System
  • A sling for their firearm
  • Eye and ear protection appropriate for the range
  • 3 magazines, 50 rounds of factory ammunition, no green tip, tracer, or armor piercing