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LTC 2 - Official License to Carry Shooting Qual

Students demonstrate safety and competency while shooting preparatory drills prior to qual.

Duration: 2 hrs range time



Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability
Register Now April 12 Saturday
Longview, TX
3 - 6 Students 9:00 am to 11:00 am Claudia McCue Space Available
Register Now July 12 Saturday
Longview, TX
3 - 6 Students 9:00 am to 11:00 am Terry Frazier Space Available
Register Now October 11 Saturday
Longview, TX
3 - 6 Students 9:00 am to 11:00 am Terry Frazier Space Available target icon


This is the required shooting qualification for Texas LTC applicants.

This *IS NOT* a "How to Shoot" class. You must already:

  • Know the Four Rules of Firearm Safety
  • Understand and be able to properly use your firearm - including all safeties, decockers, etc.
  • Be able to efficiently and safely load, unload and clear your firearm
  • Be able to competently and safely shoot a 13"x 19" sheet of paper at 3 yds, 7 yds and 15 yds with moderate time pressure.
** If you show up for class and cannot easily and safely do the above you will be asked to reschedule to a Basic class. No exceptions and the Instructor's decision is final. **

The Texas Department of Public Safety requires LTC Instructors to provide a minimum of 1-2 hrs of shooting instruction along with the LTC Qualification. Your course registration fee includes this range instruction and the shooting test. To apply for the Texas LTC you must also complete a separate Official Texas License to Carry Classroom course before submitting your application.

Before the test will receive light coaching on your grip, body position and sight picture. You will be given a chance to work with a timer, and you will shoot at 3, 7 and 15 yds. You will be expected to demonstrate safe and proficient use of your handgun. This instruction DOES NOT INCLUDE teaching you how to shoot your gun. You should know how to shoot, be safe and competent when you arrive. Students who fail to demonstrate adequate knowledge or safety *WILL NOT* be allowed to take the test. LTC 2 takes place entirely at East Texas Rifle & Pistol Club.

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Topics Covered

In this class, we will cover:

  • A review of your marksmanship fundamentals
  • Diagnostics of common shooting errors
  • Clearing basic handgun malfunctions
  • Shooting accurately at 3-, 7- and 15-yard distances (many defensive scenarios occur beyond 3 yds)
  • Shooting under time pressure
  • Dry fire techniques you can use at home to continue improving

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Expectations and Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this class you will:

  • Receive your Shooting Proficiency LTC-104 form (if appropriate)

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Concealed Carry License, Concealed Carry Training

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Documentation Requirements

  • Students are required to present a valid, government-issued photo ID.
  • Students must sign a liability and legal waiver.
  • New Students must complete a New Student Survey to aid us in providing the best possible learning experience.

The instructor requires a copy of your Government Issued ID once you register.

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Prerequisites:  SVA Basic Pistol OR demonstrated comparable ability

  • You should already possess basic competency – grip, body position, use of sights, breath control and how to keep your finger off the trigger until you are on target. You should also know how to safely load, unload and clear your gun. If you cannot show basic competency with these fundamentals, you will be asked to reschedule to our Basic Pistol class.
  • This class requires that you be able to keep your shots on a 13"x19" sheet of paper at 3-, 7- and 15-yard distances with moderate time pressure. If you cannot do this you will be asked to reschedule to our Basic Pistol class.
  • Students under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
  • Students wishing to use our handgun+ammunition packages must be 21 or older.
  • Contact your instructor for information loaner packages.
  • 200 rds minimum (250 rds recommended)
  • New, name-brand factory ammunition in mfg box (No reloads. Prohibited by law for the Texas LTC qual.)
  • Must meet SAAMI specs
  • Students should bring their own semiautomatic pistol or revolver, or purchase a “Loaner Package” which includes a semi-automatic pistol/ammo/PPE for use during the class.
  • .22 caliber or greater, in good working order
  • No modifications which may affect safety
  • Firearm will be inspected for safety prior to shooting
  • No Optics - No Red Dots, prism sights or optical enhancers. You can use optics in class, but they are prohibited by law for the Texas LTC Qual.
Personal Protection:
  • Can be rented from us
  • Ear protection: Over-the-ear muffs preferred. Must be firearm rated. Absolutely no music earbuds or AirPods
  • Eye protection: Safety glasses. For prescription wearers we have over-glasses safety eyewear.
  • Classes run Rain or Shine. Please be prepared for inclement weather.
  • Cap or hat with visor
  • Collared shirt - no tank tops, halters or v-necks. Ladies, no brass-catching cleavage please.
  • Closed-toe shoes - no sandals, flip-flops or open footwear. Ladies, no heels please.

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