Running the Little Gun

Intermediate - A workshop specific to micro-compact pistols and small revolvers

Duration: 4 hours range



Frank Groth

Instructor Bio

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This is a half day workshop designed for those using micro compact pistols, such as the Sig P365, S&W Bodyguard and Glock 43, or the snub revolver. These smaller guns have become increasingly popular for defensive carry, but they often are difficult to shoot and come with a different set of handling qualities that require unique solutions. This workshop will give the students those unique solutions and the opportunity to hone those skills in a controlled setting.

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Topics Covered

  • Methods of carry and best practices
    • Outside the waistband
    • Inside the waistband
    • Pocket carry
  • Gear selection and placement
  • Common malfunctions and how to clear them
  • Dry practice and live fire

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Expectations and Outcomes

The student should understand

  • Compact and microcompact guns have unique characteristics
  • Those characteristics demand more refined skills and specific techniques
  • How to efficiently clear commonly encountered malfunctions
  • Hot to efficiently reload under stress
  • The advantages and disadvantages of deeper concealment with compact and micro compact guns

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Intermediate, Specialty Other

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Students will need to bring

  • A good compact or microcompact handgun
    •  Sig P365, S&W Bodyguard, Glock 43 and 43x are examples
    • Caliber .380 ACP, 9mm, .40 S&W or .45 ACP are all acceptable for semi-autos
    • Small framed revolvers with 2 to 3 inch barrel in caliber .32 or larger are welcome
  • Holster, belt, and magazine pouch, at least two magazines
    • Holster should be made specific to the gun being carried in it
    • Leather or Kydex
    • Holsters that retain the pistol by means of a lever which must be pushed by the trigger finger to draw, such as the Serpa, are not allowed.
  • A ball cap and concealment garment (vest, jacket, windbreaker,over shirt, polo shirt,  etc),
  • Eye and ear protection, electronic hearing protection is preferable
  • Wyoming weather is unpredictable, have extra layers available (we train rain or shine)
  • Water, thirst quencher, light snacks
Students should expect to fire up to 150 rounds in class and should bring at least that much ammunition