Know Your Handgun

Basic - A half day "how to shoot" workshop for beginners

Duration: 1.5 hours classroom, 2.5 hours range time



Frank Groth

Instructor Bio

Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability
Register Now April 26 Saturday
Gillette, WY
5 - 10 Students 9 AM to 1 PM Frank Groth Space Available target icon


This is a half day “how to shoot” workshop designed as gateway instruction specifically for the new handgun owner or novice shooter and is designed for both women and younger shooters. Includes both dry and live fire


Pistol or revolver. Does not involve drawing from a holster. Students can bring their own handgun and ammunition, or .22 caliber loaners will be available. Please do not bring live firearms into the classroom.


This course covers safety, administrative handling of the handgun, fundamentals of marksmanship, care and maintenance of the handgun and gear, and dry and live fire on the range.

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Topics Covered

  • The Rules of Fiream Safety
  • Administrative handling of the handgun
    • Loading and unloading
    • Safe storage concepts and devices
  • Care and maintenance of the handgun and gear
  • Fundamentals of marksmanship
  • Dry practice and live fire on the range

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Expectations and Outcomes

  • A student will have fired up to 50 shots using different handgun types
  • A student will have a working understanding of the Four Rules, and why they must be followed
  • A student will have an understanding of how to handle a handgun administratively in a safe manner
  • A student will have an understanding of the fundamentals of marksmanship
    • Grip
    • Sights
    • Trigger
  • A student will understand the importance of storing firearms safely, and of tools to use. 

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Students can bring their own pistol or revolver, and ammunition for it. Expect to fire a maximum of 50 rounds. .22LR or any centerfire defensive caliber .32 or larger.

Handguns used for this course may be revolver or semi-auto

  • Revolvers must be double action
  • Semi-autos can be any type of action
  • Two to four loaner handguns will be available 
Students must bring Personal Protective Equipment
  • Hearing protection
  • Eye protection
  • Loaner gear is available upon request