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Legal Use of Force and Missouri CCW Laws

Duration: 3 Hours



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In this lesson, we will cover important legal topics, including the laws governing the legal use of force inside and outside the home. Within this lesson, you’ll get a chance to test what you’ve learned, using several real world scenarios with you as the actor. We will also cover the CCW laws specific to the state if Missouri and the differences between carrying with and without a permit in Missouri.

This class will be taught virtually via Google Meet. Please make sure you have a stable high speed internet connection. Web cameras are recommended but not required.

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Topics Covered

Resonable Force
Deadly Force
Use of Force Continuum
Defense of Your Home
Defense of Your Property
Missouri CCW Laws
How to Obtain Your CCW Permit
How to Renew Your CCW Permit

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Expectations and Outcomes

A greater knowledge on when resonable and deadly force is justified and the CCW laws in Missouri.

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Constitutional / Permitless Carry, Legal Aspects for Use of Force / Avoidance, Online Courses, USCCA Courses, Virtual Simulation

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Computer with High Speed Stable Internet Connection