Scenario Training - As Real as Training Gets!
Basic - Scenarios for home Invasion, burglary, car jackings, road rage and more!
Duration: 8 Hours
Date | Availability | ||||
Register Now | February 22 Saturday |
Dunkirk, NY
1 - 10 Students | 9am - 5pm | William Buchholz |
Register Now | April 12 Saturday |
Dunkirk, NY
1 - 12 Students | 9am - 5pm | William Buchholz |
Pistol permit is not required for this class.
This is as real as training gets!
This class is a must for anyone who carries a gun for self-denfense or wants to carry for self-defense. Experience real life situations with live role players. How will you react to a violent encounter? You must make decisions and act under stress. This is the ultimate in self-defense training!
Firearms tactics and scenario-based training. We will run Real-World scenarios such as; home invasion, burglary, carjacking violent encounters and more! A great class for people with their pistol permit/CCW and they want to learn how to react to a violent situation. Pistol permit is not required. SIRTs, blue guns and other training aids/props will be used.
We will use our shoot house and vehicles in real life situations. Fun and very interactive class.
How will you react to being attacked?
There is no live fire.
Topics Covered
We will run multiple real world scenerios and discuss and practice how to react. This is a fun interactive course.
Expectations and Outcomes
Learn the skills to protect yourself and your family.
Advanced, Basic, Intermediate, Active Shooter Response Training, Church / Business - Safety / Security, Combatives / Less Lethal, Concealed Carry License, Concealed Carry Training, In Home Defense Training, LEO / MIL / SEC Courses, Private Classes (Group / Individual), Scenario Based Training, Scenario Based Training (Simunitions, Man Marking Cartridge), Seminars / Lectures, Specialty Other, Virtual Simulation, Women's Only Courses
Documentation Requirements
Call for locations and to schedule class Tel: 716-713-1583
The instructor requires a copy of your Government Issued ID once you register.
Call for locations and to schedule class Tel: 716-713-1583