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Ohio CCW Refresher Course


Duration: 3 hours in the classroom with 1+ hours on the range



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It's been awhile since  you had your original CCW class. Laws have changed, society has changed. We will dive back into the Legal Use of Force, What happens before, during and after a deadly force incident and what you should know about Ohio CCW laws.

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Expectations and Outcomes

Our goal is to update you with Ohio CCW carry laws and discuss Legal Use of Force, Deadly Force encounters and update your shooting skills that you already have.

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Basic, Intermediate, Concealed Carry Training, Constitutional / Permitless Carry, Legal Aspects for Use of Force / Avoidance, USCCA Courses

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Documentation Requirements

You should already possess a current Ohio CCW or one that has expired.

The instructor requires a copy of your Concealed Carry Weapons permit once you register.

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Firearm: Bring the one you carry or might carry
Ammunition: 100 Rounds (Target)
Ear Protection
Eye Protection
Sturdy Belt
Proper range attire (outside)
2 Extra Magazines
Magazine Pouch (handy but not required)