McFadden Firearms Academy LLC logo

Pistol Qualification Refresher Course

Advanced - Intended for LEO, Private Security Officers & Church Security Ministry Teams

Duration: 2+ hours



Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability
Register Now March 28 Friday 1 - 6 Students 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Rod Yoder Space Available
Register Now April 25 Friday 1 - 4 Students 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Rod Yoder Space Available target icon


This course is open to anyone

This course will focus on the Ohio LEO Qualification course of fire. This qualifcation course of fire is the minimum standards for law enforcement.  We should always strive to exceed the minimum.

This course will help you shoot the Ohio course of fire with more confidence and a better score. 

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Topics Covered

We will review:

Proper Grip
Sight Picture
Trigger Management
Presentation from the Holster
Proper re-holstering
Follow Through
Emergency Reloads
Tactical Reloads
Lateral Movement
Target Transition

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Expectations and Outcomes

Certificate of Completion

McFadden Firearms Academy is not an LEO instruction facility. We have no affiliation with OPOTA. We see many officers needlessly struggle with this qualification. This is a great opportunity to gain confidence in your abilities. 

This course is open to anyone.

OPOTA, Private Security and many Church Security Ministry Teams utilize the OPOTA qualification course of fire for their annual pistol qualification.

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Advanced, Church / Business - Safety / Security, LEO / MIL / SEC Courses

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Full Size Firearm, 9mm or larger
200 Rounds FMJ
Eye Protection
Ear Protection
Brimmed Hat
Bug Spray
Sun Block