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Defensive Pistol Skills 3 / NRA CCW

Intermediate - Additional instruction in the fundamentals of defensive handgunning

Duration: 6 Hours



Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability
Register Now April 26 Saturday
4 - 12 Students 9a-3p Karl Rehn Space Available target icon


This course provides additional instruction in the fundamentals of defensive handgunning similar to first-level courses taught at the major shooting academies. This course, when combined with the Texas CHL course, Low Light Shooting (AT-1A), Defensive Pistol Skills 1 and Defensive Pistol Skills 2, provides the student with training equivalent to the 14-hour version of the NRA's Personal Protection Outside the Home course. For 2020 the class has been updated to include some modules of the NRA's CCW course, and an NRA CCW module-specific certificate will be issued to those that attend and pass the CCW qualification course of fire.

This course is part of the core curriculum of the 40 hour Defensive Pistol Skills Program.

DPS 3 includes a graded shooting test that evaluates students' ability to perform the skills taught in the three Defensive Pistol Skills courses, and the NRA CCW class shooting test.

Topics: review of gun safety and skills learned in Defensive Pistol Skills 1 and 2, drawing from concealment while moving to cover, engaging multiple targets, shooting from awkward positions and other defensive handgunning skills.

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Expectations and Outcomes

This course is intended to provide graduates of the Defensive Pistol Skills 1 and 2 courses a way to complete the additional training necessary to have shot drills similar to all live fire portions of the NRA's Personal Protection Outside the Home course. This course will be taught by instructors certified to teach the NRA PPOTH course, but because the PPOTH lesson plan requires us to repeat 4 hours of lecture content identical to the Texas CHL course, and some drills in PPOTH are run a little differently than the way KR Training has been doing them for 20 years, completion of Texas CHL, Low Light Shooting and the DPS 1-2-3 series does not make students eligible for an NRA PPOTH course completion certificate, and this sequence is not an NRA-certified course.

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Intermediate, NRA Courses

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Required Equipment: A centerfire handgun, belt holster, a minimum of 2 spare magazines or speedloaders, magazine/speedloader carriers, eye and ear protection, a baseball cap (to deflect spent brass and keep the sun out of your eyes) and a minimum of 300 rounds of ammunition.

Optional Equipment: See the general policies page for suggestions on food, drink, clothing, etc.