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Advanced Trauma First Aid

Intermediate - TCCC 1 day

Duration: 5 hours classroom and practical application



Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability
Register Now April 12 Saturday 1 - 3 Students 9 am - 3 pm John Nordman Space Available
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The Advanced Trauma Certification Course is a five hour course that covers adult, child, and infant emergency medical care.  This course incorporates foundational TECC trauma first aid for point of injury care.  This advanced course offers additional content and learning not covered in the pre-requisite course. At the completion of the course all students will be Advanced Trauma First Aid certified. Students will be certified for a period of two years.

All of these topics are instructed VIA classroom as well as hands on practical application and scenario-based training for each.

This course exceeds the following certification guidelines set forth by the American Heart Association C-TECC, Co-TCCC, STB Coalition, and American Red Cross: Basic Life Support for Adult, Child, and Infant, First Aid, Blood Borne Pathogens, Stop The Bleed, Wilderness First Aid, First Aid for Severe Trauma, and several other courses.  This course is accredited through the AHA, Red Cross, and C-TECC.


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Topics Covered

Mental Preparation to Traumatic Injuries

P.A.C.E. Plan

O.O.D.A. Loop

Adult, Child, and Infant small limb anatomy (review)

Patient Assessments

Medical Emergencies (Heat injuries, diabetic shock, other)

Environmental injuries (snake, spider, other)

GCS Scale and Neurological Overview

M.A.R.C.H. (review)

Improvised M.A.R.C.H.

Veinous Hemorrhage vs Arterial Hemorrhage (review)

Junctional Wounds

Junctional Tourniquets

Fractures and Splinting

Pelvic Fractures

Advanced Airway Considerations

Body Considerations

Digital Pressure

Wound Packing (improvised)

Tourniquet Use (improvised, types)

Chest Injuries

Head and Neck Injuries

Protection of the Airway

Burns (Chemical, Heat, Other)

Hypothermia and Trauma Overview


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Advanced, Intermediate, Active Shooter Response Training, American Heart Association (First Aid / CPR / AED), American Red Cross (First Aid / CPR / AED), Basic Life Support, Church / Business - Safety / Security, F.A.S.T. (First Aid for Severe Trauma), Medical Other, Private Classes (Group / Individual), Stop the Bleed, Tactical Casualty Care (TCCC / TECC)

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BLS first aid course, F.A.S.T. certification, or basic understanding of emergency medical care

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