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Real Estate basic safety


Duration: 2-3 hours



Michael Kuykendall

Instructor Bio

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Safety is a paramount concern in real estate due to the nature of the job, which often involves meeting strangers, showing properties, and working in varied environments.
This session will outline the importance of staying safe and and still able to conduct your business.

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Topics Covered

We will cover personal safety strategies, safety during property showings, emergency procedures, legal and ethical considerations, and conclude with a Q&A session. Each section includes activities designed to reinforce the concepts discussed.

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Expectations and Outcomes

A realtor safety seminar is designed to address the unique risks that real estate professionals face and provide practical strategies for staying safe while performing their duties. Here’s what you can generally expect and the outcomes you might achieve:




1. Awareness of Risks:

   - Identifying Potential Threats: Understanding common safety threats specific to real estate professionals, such as meeting strangers, working alone, and showing properties.

   - Situational Awareness: Training on how to be aware of your surroundings and recognize potential dangers.


2. Personal Safety Strategies:

   - Safety Protocols: Learning specific safety protocols for showings, open houses, and client meetings.

   - Self-Defense Tips: Basic self-defense techniques and how to handle physical confrontations if they arise.


3. Technology and Tools:

   - Safety Apps and Devices: Introduction to safety apps, GPS tracking, and other tools that can enhance your personal security.

   - Emergency Communication: How to use technology to stay connected and alert others in case of emergency.


4. Client Interaction Guidelines:

   - Screening Clients: Techniques for vetting potential clients and ensuring they are legitimate.

   - Meeting Procedures: Best practices for meeting clients in public places and verifying their identity.


5. Legal and Procedural Information:

   - Understanding Legal Rights: Knowledge about legal rights and protections for realtors.

   - Reporting Procedures: How to report suspicious activities or incidents and work with law enforcement if needed.


6. Scenario-Based Training:

   - Real-Life Scenarios: Engaging in role-playing exercises to practice responses to various safety scenarios.

   - Problem-Solving Skills: Developing problem-solving skills for handling unexpected or dangerous situations.




1. Increased Awareness and Preparedness:

   - Heightened Situational Awareness: Improved ability to recognize and respond to potential threats in your environment.

   - Preparedness for Emergencies: Better preparedness for handling emergency situations and knowing what steps to take.


2. Enhanced Personal Safety:

   - Effective Safety Protocols: Implementing effective safety protocols during client interactions and property showings.

   - Confidence in Self-Defense: Increased confidence in using self-defense techniques if necessary.


3. Improved Use of Technology:

   - Utilization of Safety Tools: Enhanced use of safety apps, GPS tracking, and other tools to improve personal security.

   - Better Communication: Improved methods for communicating and alerting others in case of a safety concern.


4. Better Client Interaction Practices:

   - Screening and Verification: Improved ability to screen and verify clients to reduce the risk of meeting potentially dangerous individuals.

   - Safe Meeting Practices: Implementing safe practices for meeting clients and conducting property showings.


5. Legal and Procedural Knowledge:

   - Understanding of Legal Protections: Clear understanding of legal rights and how to navigate reporting procedures.

   - Prepared for Reporting: Knowledge of how to report and document incidents effectively.


6. Greater Overall Safety:

   - Reduced Risk: Overall reduction in risk due to increased safety measures and awareness.

   - Safer Working Environment: Creation of a safer working environment for yourself and colleagues.


In summary, a realtor safety seminar aims to equip real estate professionals with practical knowledge and skills to manage and mitigate risks, enhancing their overall safety and confidence in their daily activities.

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Basic, Church / Business - Safety / Security, Combatives / Less Lethal, Private Classes (Group / Individual), Seminars / Lectures, Specialty Other

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Documentation Requirements

Gov't isued ID

The instructor requires a copy of your Government Issued ID once you register.

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To register for the add-ons (basif self defense and pistol) separately, add each and the classes will be performed in succession.
Each add on is approximately 45 minutes.