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Home defense (Shoothouse) Pistol


Duration: 6-8 hours



Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability
Register Now June 29 Sunday 4 - 8 Students 9:00 - 3:00pm Robert Harris Space Available
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The live fire will be in a shoothouse designed for training.
In this class you will learn:
Weapon manipulation
Firearm safety
Critical relaods
Home defense considerations
Clearing rooms in your house.
We will discuss weapon lights.
This is not a novice course, you should have a CCW permit or have completed a basic pistol course.
This course is outside so dress accordingly.

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Topics Covered

Firearm safety
Learning usinc angles to your advantage.
Home defense considerations.
Clearing rooms in your house.

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Expectations and Outcomes

Student will know and understand how to clear rooms and engage targets from cover, and have a better understanding of the strengths and limitations of defending your home.

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Intermediate, In Home Defense Training, Scenario Based Training

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Extra magazine(s)
200 rounds of ammo.
Eye and ear protection.
Holster is optional but recomended.
Lunch if desired.

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