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Concealed Carry

Duration: 8 hours



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This course teached the knowledge, skills, techniques and attitude necessary to Carrya Concealed Pistol for personal defense. The course is intended for all motivated individuals that are willing to learn. This 

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Topics Covered

  1. Firearms Safety
  2. Pistol Nomenclature 
  3. Sletecing a pistol for Self-Defense
  4. Basic Defensive Pistol Skills
  5. Drawing from Concealment
  6. Loading and Stoppage Remediation 
  7. Mindset
  8. Carry Modes 
  9. Pistol concealment

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Expectations and Outcomes

Studens will complete  live fire training with a nationally standarized shooting qualification while on the range.

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Concealed Carry Training, NRA Courses

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Documentation Requirements

The instructor requires a copy of your Government Issued ID once you register.