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Introduction to Firearms

Basic - This class will teach you about the basics of firearm handling and efficiently executing those practices on the range.

Duration: 4 hours classroom and 2 hours on Range



Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability
Register Now October 19 Saturday 3 - 20 Students 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Steve Hopwood Space Available target icon


Students will be taught the basic rules of handling firearms
Students will be taught grip, stance, breathing technics, sight picture and target acquisition.
Student will learn hour to clear firearm malfunctions and safe storage practices. 

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Topics Covered

Situational Awareness
Universal Safety Rules
Stafe Storage
Non-violent resolution 

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Expectations and Outcomes

Student will be able to transition into defensive shooting after establishing a consistent training cycle. 

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Advanced, Basic, Intermediate, In Home Defense Training, NAAGA (National African American Gun Association) Courses, NRA Courses, Private Classes (Group / Individual), USCCA Courses, Women's Only Courses

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Documentation Requirements

Student must bring DL or ID card

The instructor requires a copy of your Government Issued ID once you register.

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.22 9mm, .380, .40, .45 caliber firearms only.