Register for a Shooting Class

Firearms Training Colorado Logo

American Heart Association BLS Renewal

Firearms Training Colorado - Mark Seevers
Instructor: Mark Seevers

Fee: $67.00

Date: Sunday - 12/8/2024
Time: 2pm - 4:30pm
Duration: 2.5 hours

Location: AG Barn

Registration Form

Do you already have an account? Log In

Account Information

This is the name that will appear on your class certificates.
(If a certificate is to be used to apply for a concealed weapons permit, input your name as it appears on your driver’s license or Government Issued ID to be used for identification.)

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You will log in later using this email and password.

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Billing Address
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Contact Info

How can the Instructor contact you? We can also send you text messages for class-related notifications.

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Emergency Contact Info
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Personal/Background Info

The Instructor will use this to determine your eligiblity.

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Previous Courses

If you have previous experience, it can help the Instructor make a better decision about your eligibility.

I consent to receive the newsletter via email.
For futher information, please consult the Privacy Policy.
Terms and Conditions

Your information is private and not accessible to anyone at any time, other than the instructor for whose class you are registering. If the instructor determines that you do not meet the requirements, your credit card will be automatically refunded.

Read our Privacy Policy

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Read our Terms and Conditions

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Read Instructor Policies

Cancellation Policy
Thank you for your interest in our programs and for investing in our courses at Firearms Training Colorado. We highly value providing a professional and top-quality experience to all participants, which is why unexpected cancellations can pose a challenge due to limited seating in our courses. As a result, we have implemented a strict refund policy that applies to all classes, workshops, and private lessons. Before enrolling in a class, we kindly ask that you thoroughly read and comprehend the policy. Please note that Firearms Training Colorado, LLC does not offer refunds for any classes, workshops, or private lessons. In the event that you have a scheduling conflict and are unable to attend a class, we urge you to contact us immediately. Payment is required at the time of registration.
Reschedule Policy
Your payment cannot be refunded, however, if you reschedule your class within three months of the original date, your payment will be applied towards the new class.
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Read Instructor Waiver Requirements


Firearms Training Colorado

LLC Liability Wavier, Release and Indemnity Agreement


First Name: _______________________Last Name:______________________ DateBirth______________________


Phone: ___________________________ Email: ________________________ Address: ___________________________


City: ____________________________ State: _________________________ Zip:_______________________________



Emergency Contact Name/Relationship: _____________________________________________


Emergency Contact Phone Number: ________________________________________________




In and for consideration of the services provided by “Firearms Training Colorado” also known as “FTC” LLC, its members, owners, agents, instructors, officers, representatives, volunteers, participants, employees, staff and all other persons or entities action in any  capacity of behalf of “FTC, LLC (collectively referred to as the “Firearms Training Colorado Parties”), I hereby agree on behalf of myself, my estate, heirs, net of kin, assigns, personal representatives, all agents acting in any capacity of my behalf representing both real or personal property, and all other persons who might or may claim through, by or for me (collectively referred to as “I”) as Follows:


Initial: ______ Lawful Possession of firearms(s) and Ammunition: I affirm I can lawfully possess firearms and ammunition under State and Federal laws.


Initial: ______ Assumption of Risk: I acknowledge ad understand that the use of any and all firearms and participation in firearms-related activities, including safety and defensive tactics and techniques, are inherently hazardous and involve both know and unanticipated risks. I agree to assume all responsibility of these risks, which could result in damage to property and serious physical or emotional injury, including paralyses or death, to others or myself. Possible know and unknown injuries may include but are not limited to: being shot or injured in any manner by myself or others, shooting others, partial or total loss of eyesight or hearing, burns, amputation,Inhalation or other harmful contact with lead or contaminants, being struck by flying or falling debris or projectiles, disability, and death.  I agree to assume all risks and liability for any act or omission to act, including any negligent, grossly negligent, or reckless act or omission to act, by the Firearms Training Colorado Parties.


Initial: ______ Medical Certification: I certify that I have no medical or physical conditions that could compromise my safety and the safety of others in any activities related to the services provided by “FTC” Parties. I further agree that if I’m not physically or mentally capable at any time of completing the required demands of the services or instructions provided any FTC Party, I will immediately advise a FTC Party.  In such event, I agree to accommodate me or change the scope or nature of the services provided by the FTC parties or refund of any monies paid.

Initial: _____ Other Rules: I agree to abide by all written, video, and verbal safety rules issued by any FTC party and any facility at which the FTC parties provides services. I shall perform only those techniques taught by FTC parties and shall not improvise additional techniques on my own during the services provided by FTC parties immediately, except that if I should have any reservations about any of the instructions, I shall, while maintaining safety for myself and to others, immediately notify the firearms instructor of such. I may choose not to participate in any activity that I deem unsafe.  I also acknowledge that a FTC parties may, at any time, make a judgment call bout safety, disorderly conduct, action in an unsportsmanlike manner or other conduct detrimental to the spirit and nature of the services provided by FTC parties, and should I fail to correct my actions after being warned, by the instructor,  may his or her sole discretion terminate my continued participation in the services provided by FTC parties.  If terminated, I agree to leave the course and the facility in which it is being conducted immediately and shall not be entitled to any refund or monies paid.

Initial: ______ Definition of Firearms: for the purposes of this agreement, a firearm is defined as any pistol/handgun, rifle, shotgun and/or devise of any description or design whether single shot, semiautomatic, or fully automatic which discharges a projectile by the use of gunpowder.

Initial: ______ Venue: this wavier, release and indemnity agreements are governed by the laws of the State of Colorado.  Venue shall be Douglas County, Colorado.

Initial: _____ Facilities and Equipment: I acknowledge and understand that the Firearms Training Colorado parties make no warranty as to the design, manufacture, maintenance, condition, or fitness for any particular purpose of any facilities of equipment, including but not limited to firearms, ammunition, and eye and ear protection, used during or as part of the services provided by FTC parties.

Initial: ______ Notice: I agree to immediately notify an FTC party of any injury that I receive, or any injury that I observe to any other participant, during the services provided by FTC parties.  I further agree to immediately notify an FTC party if I become aware of any potentially unsafe aspect of any in which FTC parties provide services, including unsafe behavior of any other participant.


Initial: _____ Interpretation: It’s my intention that this Wavier, Release and Indemnity Agreement shall be as broad and as inclusive as provided by Colorado law.  If any part is held to be invalid by any court, it is my intention and direction that the remainder of all other provisions be fully enforced for the benefit of the FTC parties.


I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document.  I have fully and carefully red this Wavier, Release and Indemnity Agreement and understand its contents.  I am aware that this is a release from liability and indemnification agreement and a contract between the Firearms Training Colorado parties and myself and that I am giving up substantial legal rights, including my right to sue.  I acknowledge that I am signing this document freely and voluntarily and intend my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.


Signature                                                          Date:                               Print Name of Participant


_____________________________          _____________            ____________________________________


If Participant is under the age of 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian must attend the class, along with the participant, sign below:


Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian         Date                                Print Name of Parent/Legal Guardian


_____________________________         ______________       ______________________________________


Initial: ______ Consent for Minor:  As the parent/Legal Guardian, I consent to my child/young adult who is under the age of 18 years of age to shooting a firearm on the date of this agreement and through___________________, 2023.  I understand this consent is given to encourage participation in the firearms education, classes, or improvement of shooting skills through supervise activities.

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Referral Information (Optional)
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Please let the instructor know any medical conditions, handicaps, or special needs the instructor should be aware of.

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Course Fee: $67.00

Add Ons: $0.00

Total: $67.00

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