John Murphy
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Citizen Defender

John Murphy

BACKGROUND: Civilian, Former Military, Instructor, Gov’t Employee / Contractor

20 Years Instructing

PH: 703 609 6350

Available Courses

Next Class Course Type Difficulty
Next class: May 10
See Classes
Car Problems
Self-defense in the vehicle environment
Advanced, Scenario Based Training Advanced
Next class: Mar 30
See Classes
Defensive Pistol Clinic
Tune up or train up, these two hours ses…
Intermediate, Advanced, Concealed Carry Training, Scenario Based Training, Seminars / Lectures Intermediate
Next class: Jun 14
See Classes
High Threat Environment
Training for the nightmare scenario
Advanced, Concealed Carry Training, Active Shooter Response Training, Scenario Based Training Advanced
Next class: Apr 6
See Classes
Home Defense Pistol
The defensive pistol in the domestic env…
Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Concealed Carry Training, Scenario Based Training Basic
Next class: Apr 5
See Classes
Home Defense Shotgun
Shotgun N/A
Next class: Jun 7
See Classes
Just Get Home
To be successful and effective in their…
Advanced, Concealed Carry Training, Scenario Based Training, Tactical Casualty Care (TCCC / TECC) Advanced
No Upcoming Classes
Contact Instructor
Pepper Spray
Scenario Based Training, Specialty Other, Seminars / Lectures, Combatives / Less Lethal N/A
Next class: May 4
See Classes
Practical Revolver
The revolver still fills a critical nich…
Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Concealed Carry Training Basic
Next class: Mar 30
See Classes
Resilient Citizen
Acquiring skills "beyond the gun" may pr…
Advanced, Concealed Carry Training, Scenario Based Training, Scenario Based Training (Simunitions, Man Marking Cartridge), Combatives / Less Lethal, Stop the Bleed Advanced
Next class: Apr 13
See Classes
Responsibly Armed Citizen
Far more than a "basic" concealed carry…
Basic, Intermediate, Concealed Carry Training, Legal Aspects for Use of Force / Avoidance Basic
Next class: Apr 12
See Classes
Sanctuary Security Team Defender
Individual and team training to secure p…
Advanced, Concealed Carry Training, Active Shooter Response Training, Scenario Based Training, Seminars / Lectures, Church / Business - Safety / Security, Stop the Bleed, Basic Life Support, Online Courses, Legal Aspects for Use of Force / Avoidance Advanced
Next class: May 3
See Classes
Shotgun Skills
How to operate the most effective weapon…
Shotgun N/A
Next class: Mar 29
See Classes
The American Rifle-15
The AR is the most popular rifle in Amer…
Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Rifle Basic target icon

About Citizen Defender

John recently retired after 25 years of service in the Marines and the intelligence community, but he makes no claim to being a combat veteran. He considers himself very fortunate to have trained under some of the most respected firearms instructors in the country, and he’s learned much more about shooting and self-defense outside the military than he ever did during his service. As an instructor, John has incorporated the best and most practical methods and techniques into his courses, and he continues to train and refine his skills every year, both as a defensive shooter and as a trainer. John has presented classroom and range instruction at the multiple Rangemaster Conferences, and currently holds a “Master Instructor” rating from Rangemaster, and is a graduate of Massad Ayoob’s “Lethal Force Instructor” program.

  • John Farnam

  • Louis Awerbuck (RIP)

  • Kelly McCann

  • Pat Rogers (RIP)

  • Jeff Gonzales

  • Pat Goodale

  • Tom Givens

  • Craig Douglas

  • Greg Ellifritz

  • Massad Ayoob

  • Andrew Branca

  • Mike Green

  • Brett Harnish

    David Spaulding

  • Chris Sizelove

  • Kyle Defoor

  • Karl Rehn

  • Phillip Groff

  • Tatiana Whitlock

Courses Taught

Concealed Carry Training, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Rifle, Church / Business - Safety / Security, Scenario Based Training, Private Classes (Group / Individual), Seminars / Lectures, Concealed Carry License, Stop the Bleed, Tactical Casualty Care (TCCC / TECC), Specialty Other, Online Courses, Legal Aspects for Use of Force / Avoidance certification icon

Certifications cancellation policy icon


Cancellation Policy

Courses will be conducted rain or shine, but extreme weather may force cancellation or re-scheduling.  Courses may also be cancelled or postponed due to insufficient attendance.  Students will be notified as soon as possible in this event so that they can reapportion their time.

Refund Policy

If students cancel a reservation more than 14 days prior to start of class, the course fee, minus a $50 administrative charge, will  be refunded.  Within 14 days students will be charged 50% of the course fee.    

Other Policy

Students will be briefed at the start of each class day on safety policies and procedures.  Failing to follow these policies and procedures may result in the student being removed from class with no refund. waiver icon


Citizen-Defender  HOLD HARMLESS

By signing below and in exchange for the opportunity to participate in or observe training opportunities (“Classes”) offered by FPF Training, LLC (DBA "Citizen-Defender", the undersigned (“Participant”), and if Participant is not at least 18 years of age, Participant’s parent or guardian, each indicate that she or he has carefully read and understands this General Release, and acknowledges and agrees to the following items, on behalf of Participant and her or his heirs, guardians, representatives, successors and assigns.


<![if !supportLists]>(a)     <![endif]>Participant is mentally competent and medically able to agree to the terms of this General Release. Participant gives this General Release freely and knowingly with full understanding of its content and effect. If Participant is not at least 18 years of age, a parent or guardian of Participant is also signing this General Release to give permission for Participant to participate in or observe Classes, under the conditions stated within.

<![if !supportLists]>(b)     <![endif]>Participant is legally permitted to possess and use firearms, including airsoft and other firearms simulations, and other related equipment (“Firearms”), whether as part of Classes or otherwise, and is capable of using Firearms safely. FPF does not provide guidance on the specific legality or effectiveness of skills taught by FPF, whether related to Firearms or otherwise. Participant is responsible for determining the requirements of all applicable laws as they may relate to ownership, possession, and use of Firearms and the exercise of skills taught by FPF, whether related to Firearms or otherwise, and for remaining in compliance with such requirements. While present at any Class, Participant will follow all rules and instructions communicated by FPF. FPF reserves the right to temporarily or permanently revoke Participant’s right to participate in or observe any Class at any time for any reason and without refund of any associated fees paid by Participant.

<![if !supportLists]>(c)     <![endif]>Participant has made a fully informed decision to voluntarily participate in or observe the Classes, understanding that inherent in the nature of Classes and the use of Firearms is the potential of property loss or damage and physical or psychological illness or injury which may be temporary or permanent and could include serious disability or death (“Damages”). Participant understands that the use of Firearms and Participant’s presence at Classes may involve risks (unforeseen or otherwise) and that Participant is responsible for her or his own safety and behavior, including following the safety directives given by FPF’s instructors and staff, using appropriate personal protective equipment, and refraining from the use of substances that may alter Participant’s mental state. Participant is under no obligation to participate in or observe all or any part of any Class, and is permitted to leave a Class or to decline full or partial participation in a Class at any time for any reason. Participant will inform FPF of any condition, medical or otherwise, that may affect or limit Participant’s ability to participate in or observe any Class.

<![if !supportLists]>(d)     <![endif]>Participant waives, releases, and forever discharges any rights, claims, demands, objections, damages, or liabilities (“Claims”) which Participant has, now or in the future, against FPF; its affiliates, sponsors, partners, and hosting facilities; or any of its or their members, managers, employees, instructors, agents, representatives, assigns, or successors (past or present) (the “Released Parties”), including for any Damages, in connection with Participant’s presence at any Classes, regardless of the cause of such Claims. Participant understands that this General Release is intended to discharge, release, and waive any and all Claims arising from her or his participation in or observation of any Classes or his or her use of Firearms, even if such Claims arise from the negligence of any Released Parties and whether such Claims arise during or after any Classes. Participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties from and against any Claims that Participant or any other individual or entity has or may have for Damages arising in any way from Participant’s presence at any Classes or from his or her use of Firearms.

<![if !supportLists]>(e)     <![endif]>FPF may designate personnel to capture images and recordings of Participant during Classes (the “Media”). Participant consents FPF’s unlimited use of the Media for an unlimited time in all mediums, including on social media, without approval by or compensation to Participant. All Media is owned by FPF, and FPF may register any copyrights or other intellectual property rights in the Media. To the extent Participant has any copyrights or other rights in the Media, such as a right of publicity, they are assigned to FPF. Participant waives all rights or claims in any media or material using Participant’s name, image, voice persona, or likeness contained in the Media. FPF is only responsible for Media captured by its designated personnel; other individuals or entities present at Classes are responsible for obtaining their own permissions and Participant understand that FPF has no control over these other individuals or entities.

<![if !supportLists]>(f)      <![endif]>If any provision of this General Release is deemed invalid or unenforceable, it will not invalidate the remaining provisions of this General Release. FPF’s failure to exercise any of its rights under this General Release does not prevent it from exercising such rights at a later date. This General Release contains the full and complete understanding of FPF and Participant with regard to the releases contained within and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, cannot be modified except in writing signed by both Participant and an authorized representative of FPF, and is governed in accordance with the laws of Virginia, without regard to its conflict or choice of law provisions. This General Release will continue in effect even after termination of Participant’s presence at any Classes. An electronic or paper copy of this General Release will have the same force and effect as an original copy. review icon

Reviews video icon
