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Introduction to Practical Shooting Competition

A course for those considering competing in IDPA, USPSA, or Multi-Gun

Duration: 4 hours range time



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This course is for students who are considering competing in practical shooting sports such IDPA, USPSA, or Multi-Gun and want their first match to be successful.

This course will include a talk covering key concepts the new competitor needs to know followed by a live fire mini match simulation.  The mini match affords the students to apply what they've learned in a safe environment where mistakes are coachable moments instead of a disqualification.

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Topics Covered

  • Competition specific safety rules
  • Range Commands
  • Scoring
  • Match Etiquette

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Expectations and Outcomes

Students completing this course will gain foundation knowledge and experience that will help them successfully complete their first match.

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IDPA /USPSA / Multi Gun

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Ear protection 
Eye protection
Suitable handgun
Gun belt
Two or more magazine pouches
Ammunition: 100 - 150 cartridges