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firearms training classes

Complete Communication Automation for Your Shooting Classes

Complete Communication Automation for Your Shooting Classes

Bruce Corey photo

Author: Bruce Corey

You may be aware that provides comprehensive administrative management functions for instructors to organize classes and reach students, as well as ways for students to find classes and instructors. But, did you know that we also provide complete communication services to facilitate the rapport between instructors and students.…

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The need for preparation and training in the era of civil unrest

The need for preparation and training in the era of civil unrest

Bill Orndorf photo

Author: Bill Orndorf

You don’t have to do anything more than turn on your television to see what is going on in these United States and understand the need for training and preparation. It is all over the 6 o’clock news every night now, as angry mobs loot and pillage with no regard for human life or property, all under the pretext of protesting a man’s death who didn’t deserve to die. It is truly a sad state of affairs that got us to this moment, and for a lot of you I am quite sure it has caused you to miss a few hours of sleep.…

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How do you rate yourself as an instructor?

How do you rate yourself as an instructor?

Bruce Corey photo

Author: Bruce Corey

To help other firearms instructors, I put together a list of the best class attributes I’ve experienced during my training and continued learning. Take a look at them to see how your class structure compares, and consider implementing the ones you feel are relevant.…

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