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Understanding the Tueller Drill and the Reactionary Gap

Rick Billington photo

Author: Rick Billington

Understanding the Tueller Drill and the Reactionary Gap

The Tueller Drill, or the concept of a "Reactionary Gap," is a game-changer in both self-defense and law enforcement training. This principle empowers us with the knowledge that mere distance doesn't equate to safety. It's essential for every shooting enthusiast, whether you're a seasoned instructor, a dedicated student, or a range owner committed to safety and efficiency. Let's break down this critical drill, keeping true to our passion for shooting and dedication to the mission.

The Origin and Importance

Dennis Tuellar, a former firearms instructor with the Salt Lake City Police Department, revolutionized self-defense training with his insightful article, "How Close is Too Close?" Published in 1983 in SWAT magazine, Tueller's work shed light on a critical concept: an attacker with an edged weapon can cover the ground and inflict harm within a dangerously short timeframe. This drill isn’t just a training exercise; it’s a lifesaver, emphasizing the need to maintain a safe distance from potential threats, enhancing your reaction time and situational awareness.

Our self-defense classes are crafted around principles like these, ensuring that you're not just trained, but truly prepared.

Executing the Tueller Drill

  1. The drill kicks off with an "attacker" positioned 21 feet away from the "defender."
  2. Upon the signal, the attacker advances toward the defender with a mock weapon.
  3. It’s a race against time for the defender to draw their firearm and neutralize the threat before the gap is closed.

This drill vividly demonstrates why the "21-Foot Rule," though not explicitly named by Tueller himself, became a coined term to indicate the danger zone where an attacker can be lethal. It underlines the value of quick decision-making, precise movement, and efficient use of a firearm — skills we emphasize in our courses at

Beyond the Drill: The Reactionary Gap in Real Life

Understanding and training the Tueller Drill goes beyond executing actions in a controlled environment. It’s about honing rapid decision-making, recognizing the importance of situational awareness, and maintaining a reactionary gap in everyday scenarios. These are vital skills for personal safety, reinforcing the need for constant vigilance and readiness to respond effectively to threats.

Our law enforcement training courses incorporate drills like these to prepare officers for real-world situations, ensuring they’re always a step ahead in the face of danger.

Physical and Mental Readiness

Dennis Tueller's groundbreaking concept has become a cornerstone in self-defense and firearms training. It’s a critical reminder that readiness, both mental and physical, isn't just about skill — it's about survival. At, we’re passionate about shooting, steadfast in our commitment to practical, low-cost support for instructors, and dedicated to connecting with the shooting community.
Together, let’s continue to prioritize efficiency, safety, and camaraderie. Stay prepared, stay aware, and keep training smarter.

The Michigan Pistol Academy is located in Rochester Hills and Royal Oak, Michigan and is dedicated to providing comprehensive firearm training and education in the state of Michigan.  

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