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Dave "Boon" Benton

Dave "Boon" Benton

Dave "Boon" Benton photo

Dave "Boon" Benton, one of the founders of, has a combined 24 years serving in specialized teams and leadership roles in the military, law enforcement, protective security, and intelligence community. He has held many positions on various teams from assaulter, sniper, breacher, tactical medic, team leader, and instructor positions from explosive entry.

Boon was part of the CIA annex security team that responded to the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the US Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya. The team fought terrorists for more than 13 hours while saving more than 20 lives. Their story is told in the book "13 hours" written by Mitchell Zuckoff and the five-surviving annex security team members and in the movie “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.”

Three Phases of Defensive Firearms Training

Three Phases of Defensive Firearms Training

Don't take the local four-hour concealed weapons permit course and think you'll be prepared to defend yourself and your family. It's important to understand the phases of Defensive Firearms Training, which properly prepare you to be competent and safe.…

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