ONLINE TX License to Carry Course
Basic - Start course on your time; meets TX requirements for classroom instruction
Duration: 4 hours as required by law; course is separated into small chapters which you can start and stop when convenient
Date | Availability | ||||
Register Now | March 29 Saturday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | March 30 Sunday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | March 31 Monday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 1 Tuesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 2 Wednesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 3 Thursday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 4 Friday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 5 Saturday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 6 Sunday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 7 Monday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 8 Tuesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 9 Wednesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 10 Thursday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 11 Friday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 12 Saturday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 13 Sunday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 14 Monday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 15 Tuesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 16 Wednesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 17 Thursday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 18 Friday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 19 Saturday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 20 Sunday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 21 Monday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 22 Tuesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 23 Wednesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 24 Thursday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 25 Friday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 26 Saturday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 27 Sunday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 28 Monday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 29 Tuesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | April 30 Wednesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 1 Thursday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 2 Friday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 3 Saturday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 4 Sunday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 5 Monday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 6 Tuesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 7 Wednesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 8 Thursday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 9 Friday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 10 Saturday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 11 Sunday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 12 Monday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 13 Tuesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 14 Wednesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 15 Thursday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 16 Friday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 17 Saturday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 18 Sunday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 19 Monday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 20 Tuesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 21 Wednesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 22 Thursday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 23 Friday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 24 Saturday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 25 Sunday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 26 Monday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 27 Tuesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 28 Wednesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 29 Thursday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 30 Friday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | May 31 Saturday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 1 Sunday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 2 Monday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 3 Tuesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 4 Wednesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 5 Thursday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 6 Friday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 7 Saturday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 8 Sunday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 9 Monday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 10 Tuesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 11 Wednesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 12 Thursday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 13 Friday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 14 Saturday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 15 Sunday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 16 Monday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 17 Tuesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 18 Wednesday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 19 Thursday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills | |
Register Now | June 20 Friday | 1 - 10 Students | Virtual Learning at Your Own Pace | OJ Sills |
Course content is hosted at Registering and paying through ShootingClasses only notifies the instructor that you requested the class. The instructor will email you the course link and code to access the material. Please check your junk/spam folder for the email if it does not arrive in your inbox.
Texas residents and non-residents that want to take advantage of the benefits of the TX License to Carry, will find our online course to be the most flexible option. Our certified course is state approved, meets all the state requirements for classroom material, and is self paced.
The course material is organized into 5 modules that cover TX Weapon Laws, Use of Force/Deadly Force, Non-Violent Conflict Resolution, Safe Handling and Storage of Firearms, and 86th Legislature Changes. Students may view or listen to a voiced over presentation of each module, starting and stopping the modules when convenient. There is no written material to maintain or interaction within the modules to keep them playing. The 25 question exam at the end is a summary of the course material coupled with responsible firearm ownership practices.
Prospective students must read through the policies listed for the class as they contain important information regarding cancellation and refunds. By signing up, students aknowledge they have read, understood, and will comply with all policies of BCS Gun Class.
Course content is hosted at
Topics Covered
TX Laws Related to Weapons
- Texas Penal Code Chapter 46
- Government Code 411.2031 Carrying of Handgun by License Holders on Certain Campuses
- Government Code 411.2032 Transportation and Storage of Firearms and Ammunition in Privately Owned Vehicles on Certain Campuses
- Government Code 411.173(b-d) Relating to Reciprocity and Unilateral Agreements with other States
- Government Code 411.205 Requirement to Display License
- Labor Code 52.061 Restriction on Prohibiting Employee Access Storage of a Firearm or Ammunition
- Federal Law – 18 United States Government Code 930 and 39 Code of Federal Regulations part 232
- Tips for handling traffic stops for license holders
- Handgun safety rules
- Safe operation of handgun
- Use of restraint holsters focusing on ensuring the secure carrying of openly carried handguns
- Identify the importance of safe storage of a handgun
- Identify types of storage options available
- Know and understand the penalties for making a firearm accessible to a child ?
- Know and understand the responsibility and consequences when handguns are made available to anyone other than those who should have access
- Situational Awareness
- Communication Techniques
- Ego State Theory
- Identify effective communication skills
- Identify barriers that prevent effective communication
- Review of Senate Bill 535 - removal of the prohibition against carrying in a church, synagogue, or other established place of worship
- Clarify rules of legal possession of a firearm in cases of natural disaster
- Clarify defense to prosecution for criminal trespass (30.06 & 30.07)
- Clarify rules for possession or carrying of a firearm on rental property by tenant or guest
- Clarify school districts or open enrollment charter schools prohibition on regulating the manner in which a handgun, firearm, or ammunition is stored in a locked, privately owned or leased motor vehicle in a parking lot, parking garage, or other parking area provided by the district or charter school
Expectations and Outcomes
Students of this course, on successful completion, will receive the LTC-104 certification form to submit to a licensed firearms instructor to complete the shooting proficiency in Texas. The LTC-104 form is required for applying for the License to Carry.
Advanced, Basic, Intermediate, Concealed Carry License, Concealed Carry Training
Documentation Requirements
No documentation is required for students in this course; however, on registering at, students must provide their full legal name, driver's license or state issued ID number. We need this number, along with legal spelling of first and last name to complete the certification form that is issued upon completion.
This course offering is completely online at
Registering and paying through ShootingClasses only notifies the instructor that you requested the class. The instructor will email you the course link and code to access the material. Please check your junk/spam folder for the email if it does not arrive in your inbox.