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Baton, Handcuff & OC Training - $250

Certification is valid for a period of one year.

Duration: 16 hours classroom,

Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability
Register Now October 26 Saturday
District Heights, MD
7 - 15 Students 9am to 5pm John Ayala Space Available
Register Now November 23 Saturday
District Heights, MD
7 - 15 Students 9am to 5pm John Ayala Space Available
Register Now December 21 Saturday
District Heights, MD
7 - 15 Students 9am to 5pm John Ayala Space Available target icon


Additional training is required for Special Police Officers to carry a baton, handcuffs and OC Spray with those additional hours being specified by the certifying organization for the brand that the Special Police Officer will be carrying and cannot be included with any other training.

Expandable Baton 
This class will certify the user to carry an Expandable Baton in private security in The District of Columbia. Expandable Batons are an Intermediate/Less Lethal Weapon used primarily for applying pain compliance techniques to combative subjects.

The student will be trained in the carry, deployment, and use of expandable batons in street encounters. The student will also receive training in when the use of an Expandable Baton is appropriate and inappropriate.

It is recommended that each student wear comfortable tactical clothing or athletic clothing (must wear long pants). Students must bring, at a minimum, a duty belt, expandable baton in working condition, and a carrier for the baton. Students with questions as to what equipment to purchase should contact the instructor before the class for advice.  Click  Extended Impact Weapons  for District of Columbia General Order

Handcuff Certification 
The ASP Tactical Handcuff Course consists of 4 hours of comprehensive training. This program is used in 81 countries throughout the world. The course is specifically designed for Law Enforcement, Security Officers, and other industry professionals. All techniques taught work on the street and not just in the classroom. The techniques taught in this course are court defensible and backed by the nation’s most experienced use of force consultants. This course is meant to provide the end user with a clear understanding of the conditions in which restraints may be used, justification for use, and how to document these actions. The ASP Tactical Handcuffing Course goes into great depth on Portation (Carrying), Presentation (Drawing), and Handcuff application techniques.

OC (oleoresin capsicum) chemical aerosols.

This four (4) hour end-user level certification program focuses on the deployment, handling and documentation of the use of OC (oleoresin capsicum) chemical aerosols.

This course will train the police officer or private security officer in the use of aerosols tactics and will help protect both the officer as well as their agency from costly litigation issues that could arise from the use of OC aerosol projectors.

This program addresses proper deployment techniques, situational requirements and situational appropriateness of various projectors, defensive and retention contamination drills, decontamination, proper use-of-force reporting and operational guidelines.

Course Completion
Students will receive a certificate of completion and certification which is valid for the period of time until such time as departmental policy requires a re-certification.

 PREREQUISITES: This class is restricted to sworn public law enforcement officers and licensed private security officers only.


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Topics Covered

The ASP Tactical Baton
This program provides portation (carring) and (drawing procedures as well as striking, restraing application and lighting use techniques.

  • Force Options
  • Subject Action
  • Officer Reaction
  • Use of Force Evaluations
  • Use of Force Report
  • Areas Not to Target

The ASP Technical Restraint System (Handcuffing)
  • Carrying Tactical Restraints
  • Control the Subject
  • Dialogue
  • Palm Reading
  • Weapon Hand Control
  • Angle of Advantage
  • Combat Cuffing
  • Double Lock
  • Raising the Subject

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Expectations and Outcomes

All students will received a certification card which is valid for a period of three years. The card must be on the officer while he or she is working as a law enforcement officer.

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Combatives / Less Lethal, Security Training & Certification

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Documentation Requirements

ASP Expandable Baton Training 

1. A Heavy-duty belt or sturdy belt – Only ASP batons are permitted in this course. For this reason, we provide the batons for this class. Scabbards (holders) must be securely fastened to a rigid clothing belt or duty-style belt. Scabbards of the molded plastic or soft varieties are both acceptable. It is recommended that police officers and private security personnel bring and wear their entire duty belts to assist in creating a more realistic training scenario. (Please ensure that firearms are NOT introduced into the classroom or training room.)

2. Appropriate Clothing – Students should bring appropriate clothing to participate in the classroom portion of the presentation. Athletic clothing is recommended for hands-on training and drills.

3. Note-Taking Material – Pen, pencil, and paper to take notes within the classroom.

Tactical Handcuff

The ASP Basic Handcuff Certification (ABC) is a 4-hour, hands-on seminar which trains participants in the operational use of the hinged and chain handcuffs, as well as the proprietary ASP flex-cuffs. The program is simple to learn and easy to understand. It provides effective mechanical restraint tactics for law enforcement and private security personnel without long hours of training. The techniques were designed to work effectively for all users, male and female, large and small, fit as well as those in less-than-peak physical condition.

The program provides portation (carrying) and presentation (drawing) procedures as well as application techniques. These tactics are quickly learned, easily practiced and readily maintained long after the program is completed.

Class Length:   2 hours classroom, 2 hours training and drills.

Equipment Requirements

1. Appropriate Clothing – Students should bring appropriate clothing to participate in the classroom portion of the presentation. Athletic clothing is recommended for hands-on training and drills.

3. Note-Taking Material – Pen, pencil, and paper to take notes with in the classroom.

OC Aerosol Projector (OCAP) Certification

This four (4) hour end-user level certification program focuses on the deployment, handling and documentation of the use of OC (oleoresin capsicum) chemical aerosols.

This course will train the police officer or private security officer in the use of aerosols tactics and will help protect both the officer as well as their agency from costly litigation issues that could arise from the use of OC aerosol projectors.

This program addresses proper deployment techniques, situational requirements and situational appropriateness of various projectors, defensive and retention contamination drills, decontamination, proper use-of-force reporting and operational guidelines.

Course CompletionStudents will receive a certificate of completion and certification which is valid for the period of time until such time as departmental policy requires a re-certification.

PREREQUISITES: This class is restricted to sworn public law enforcement officers and licensed private security officers only.

Equipment Requirements

1. Change of clothes and a towel. Students who wear contact lenses are STRONGLY urged to bring either a fresh pair of contact lenses OR a lens case, saline solution and back-up eyeglasses.

Contamination Requirements

All students must complete the contamination and retention drills EXCEPT for the following:

  • Recertification students who can document previous contamination by a appropriately-certified instructor;
  • Any student who has undergone a LASIK procedure within the previous six (6) months. (A doctor’s note is required.)

Any student who suffers from asthma or who uses an inhaler, a doctor’s note is required.

*TERMS AND CONDITIONS - All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable to another date unless notice of cancellation is 7 days or more of the scheduled course. Payments are able to be transferred to another individual, however the cancellation policy will still apply and it's upon the purchaser to notify Archangel Training Academy in advance of the change.

Archangel Training Academy reserves the right to reschedule any course date due to the minimum amount of scheduled customers not being met, all deposits will be held for a future course date to be determined by Archangel Training Academy.

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All students must complete the contamination and retention drills EXCEPT for the following:

  • Recertification students who can document previous contamination by a appropriately-certified instructor;
  • Any student who has undergone a LASIK procedure within the previous six (6) months. (A doctor’s note is required.)

Any student who suffers from asthma or who uses an inhaler. (A doctor’s note is required).

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