New York Firearms Safety and Training Course

This course is the prerequisite training required for a NYS or NYPD Concealed Carry Handgun License

Duration: 16 hours classroom. Approximately 2 hour range time



Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability
Register Now May 20 Tuesday
2 Day Class
2 - 50 Students 9:30 - 5:30 RJ Anderson Space Available target icon


On June 23, 2022, in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, the United States Supreme Court struck down the 100-year-old New York handgun-licensing Sullivan law that required applicants for conceal carry gun licenses to show "proper cause." The Court decided that New York State's "proper cause" requirement violated the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. New York is now a SHALL-ISSUE State and New Yorkers are now able to exercise their 2nd amendment rights.


Concealed carry firearm safety training includes 16 hours of in-person live classroom instruction conducted by a Duly Authorized Instructor. The curriculum must include the following topics:

1. General firearm safety, including an overview of firearm and ammunition functions and operation, firearm cleaning and maintenance, safe handling practices, range safety rules, and proper holster considerations and retention strategies for safe concealed carry. (2 hours minimum)

2. Firearm safe storage requirements, as defined in Penal Law §§ 265.45 and 265.50, and general firearm secure storage and transportation best practices. (1 hour minimum)

3. State and federal gun laws, including the possession disqualifiers under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) and New York State law, restrictions on the private sale or transfer of firearms under New York General Business Law § 898, and requirements for keeping firearm license information up to date, properly registering pistols and revolvers, and license recertification and, if applicable, renewal requirements, including but not limited to the provision set forth in Articles 265 and 400 of the Penal Law. (2 hours minimum)

4. Concealed carry situational awareness of surroundings, including firearm display and concealment.

5. Conflict de-escalation tactics that include verbal and non-verbal strategies, including retreating, that are intended to reduce the intensity of a conflict or crises encountered.

6. Adverse effects of alcohol and drug use as it pertains to firearm safety.

7. Best practices when encountering law enforcement (e.g., a traffic stop), including how to communicate throughout the encounter, considerations for disclosing concealed carry status and displaying a valid firearm license, obeying all commands given by the officer(s), and best practices for handling a firearm and self-identification as a lawful concealed carry licensee if the firearm is visible when an officer responds to an incident.

8. The statutorily defined sensitive places listed in Penal Law § 265.01-e and the restrictions on firearm possession in restricted places under Penal Law § 265.01- d

9. Conflict management.

10. Use of deadly physical force, including the circumstances in which deadly physical force may be considered justified, and when there is the duty to retreat pursuant to Penal Law § 35.15(2).

11. Suicide prevention including recognizing signs of suicide risk and resources to obtain assistance, including a suicide hotline (e.g., 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline).

12. Basic principles of marksmanship, including stance, grip, sight alignment, sight picture, breathing, and trigger control. (1 hour minimum)


Following completion of the 16-hour in-person classroom instruction each student must demonstrate proficiency by achieving a minimum correct answer score of 80% on a written test covering the course curriculum. 


Concealed carry firearm safety training must include 2 hours of live-fire training conducted by a Duly Authorized Instructor. The curriculum must include instruction on the following topics, for which proficiency will be evaluated during a live-fire assessment.


Following completion of the 2-hour live-fire training, each student must demonstrate proficiency by successfully completing a live-fire assessment. To complete the live-fire assessment, the student must:

1. Perform a firearm condition check and demonstrate that the firearm is in a safe and empty condition.

2. Without any ammunition loaded, safely draw the firearm from concealment, acquire a target, and safely re-holster.

3. Safely load the firearm with five rounds of ammunition. Not holster the loaded firearm. Maintain a ready position with the firearm safely pointed downrange.

4. On the Instructor’s command to fire, aim at the target and fire all five rounds from a standing position, from a distance of 4 yards. The target must be a 25 ½ inch by 11-inch paper target. At least four out of the five rounds must be on target.

5. Perform a firearm condition check and verify that the firearm is in a safe and empty condition.

Our Instructors utilize non-lethal training ammunition for your safety and convenience.

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Topics Covered

New York Penal Law as it relates to firearms

The fundamentals of marksmanship

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Expectations and Outcomes

At the end of this course the student will have the knowledge and basic skill with a pistol to qualify for a State of New York or NYPD Concealed Carry Handgun License.

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Church / Business - Safety / Security, Classes offered in SPANISH, Concealed Carry License, Concealed Carry Training, In Home Defense Training, Private Classes (Group / Individual), Women's Only Courses

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Documentation Requirements

You must apply in the county in which you live or are principally employed. If you are a Non Resident of New York State you must apply through the City of New York Police Department. In Upstate New York apply to the County Court through the office of the court clerk, county clerk or Sheriff. In New York City, Nassau County and most of Suffolk County apply through the Police Commissioner. In eastern towns of Suffolk County apply to the Sheriff. The following information is provided as general information and is not intended to be legal advice. Please consult your local licensing authority for current rules and regulations pertaining to the New York Concealed Carry Improvement Act.

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The requirements to obtain a concealed carry license are:

Proof of completion of a firearms safety training course; four character references; fingerprints/background investigation; disclosure of applicant’s spouse or domestic partner, any other adults residing in the applicant’s home, including any adult children of the applicant, and an in-person interview of the applicant with the licensing officer/designee.

If you have a New York State concealed carry license, you are now required to submit your recertification to the New York State Police every 3 years after issuance instead of 5 years. The new law does not change the recertification requirements for a premises license, which must be recertified every 5 years.

Any individual who seeks to obtain a concealed carry license for a pistol or revolver will be required to take the 16-hour classroom and 2-hour live-fire firearm safety training course. This will be required for concealed carry licenses issued on or after September 1, 2022.

In addition to the New York State regulations, concealed carry in NYC is regulated at the local level. To carry in New York City/LI a pistol or revolver license must be issued by New York City or Westchester, Nassau, and Suffolk counties. These local licenses expire and need to be renewed every 3 years.

The application fee for a NYPD handgun license and for renewal is $340 (three hundred and forty dollars). The fingerprint fee is $88.25 (eighty eight dollars and twenty five cents). Fees must be paid by credit card or money order (Postal or U.S. Bank). Money orders should be made payable to the “New York City Police Department.”