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Thursday Night Training Session

Deadly Force a Discussion

Duration: 2



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Our Thursday night training sessions will rotate thru different "blocks" of topics useful if not essential to better protecting ourselves and our families.  
"Deadly Force a Discussion" in a conference setting will use video of real world deadly force encounters to stimulate conversation about what our response might be, perhaps should be and in some instances point out what we shouldn't do.  
These simple but still complex "Decisions" that we make in class are part of the "Mental Exercises" that we think are a very important part of training to better protect ourselves.  Playing "What If" is a useful way to help map in our brains the decisions that we might have to make in a deadly force encounter.  Your body can't go where your brain hasn't been before is just part of how we focus our efforts to develop a planned response long before we are faced with a critical decision.
Our "Deadly Force a Discussion" series will run for 4 weeks

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Topics Covered

In the first 4 sessions we will use the theme built from our "Deadly Force A Discussion" program, each week a different set of real world deadly force encounters from around the country and world, to help illustrate a topic and then guide our group discussions. 

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Expectations and Outcomes

These are "mental mapping" programs by design, allowing us to imagine we are the victim in a deadly force encounter, and then brain storming solutions to the problem in a safe, friendly learning environment.

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In Home Defense Training, Legal Aspects for Use of Force / Avoidance, Scenario Based Training, Seminars / Lectures

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Come with an open mind
Bring a friend
Bring a second friend
Seriously, come with an open mind, prepared to be a part of a group discussion on the legal use of force, these weekly session are a great way to help all of us think and better prepare for a life threatening event that we may have not even thought about.