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Defensive Pistol I: Foundation

Basic - Learn pistol fundamentals through a defensive mindset. This 7-hour course will go over pistol marksmanship fundamentals, drawing from the holster, tactical shooting drills, and more!

Duration: 8 Hours



Date Location Class Size Class Time Instructor Availability
Register Now April 19 Saturday
Wakefield, VA
1 - 10 Students 10am-5pm Kevin Tomas Space Available target icon


Defensive Pistol I is the perfect class for handgun owners to learn how to defensively use their sidearm.  We build you from the ground up, working grip, stance, and marksmanship fundamentals.  Later during the class, we teach students how to hit from multiple distances, clear malfunctions, and reload under critical stress.  The use of cover and concealment at our outdoor range will be drilled and demonstrated by our skilled instructors.

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Topics Covered

-  Pistol Marksmanship Fundamentals

-  Pistol Reloading

-  Clearing Malfunctions

-  Carry Methods

-  Firing from concealment (drawing from the holster)

-  Combat Movement and Stances

-  Using Cover and Concealment

-  Engaging Multiple Targets


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Expectations and Outcomes

Students should expect to feel exponentially more confident in their pistol skills by the end of this class.  This course is not a markmanship class.  Distances we will be focusing on are at close quarter ranges (10 feet max) and students will have an understanding on how to most effectively engage from the holster at these distances.  Students will have a firm understanding of how to reload their weapons under stress and clear malfunctions to get their weapon system back in the fight.  

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Basic, Intermediate, Concealed Carry Training

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Documentation Requirements

Basic DL will be needed to confirm identity.  We may ask for more information to confirm validity of identity.  No prohibited posessor may attend this class.  

The instructor requires a copy of your Government Issued ID once you register.

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List of things to bring

-  Outdoor-Friend Clothing

-  Quality Semi-Automatic Pistol or Revolver

-  AT LEAST 3 magazines for pistols, 2 speed loaders for Revolvers

-  Gloves and kneepads are recommended but not required

-  Set of protective Eyewear AND shooting ear protection (mandatory)

-  AT LEAST 300 rounds of range ammunition for your firearm

-  Clearning and maintence equipment recommended to keep your firearm running smooth

-  Safe practices and positive mental attitude

-  Quality holster for your firearm with belt or attachments

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